blend qual directly into any quant question
Behind every quantitative response is cognitive context that almost always remains hidden away. With Qbit you can embed frictionless open ended responses in the form of audio or video capture to reveal the reasons behind the quant results.
boost the value of NPS by blending qualitative
Most respondents won't both to type into a small text box the reason for their score, leaving brands guessing. With Qbit, add 1 open ended voice question and let our AI reveal back to you the collective 'whys'.
go deeper with open ended sentiment scales
Just like with NPS questions, most respondents won't both to type into a small text box the reason. Consequently, with typical sentiment scores brands learn they need to improve but what would move the needle most remains hidden from view. Let Qbit eliminate the guesswork.
unlock cognitive decision making with duel verbal
Go beyond understanding which ad image, promotional video or design concept resonates the most by coupling the question with an audio or video record button on the same screen so you also can understand the reasons why.
up-level heat mapping with rich voice context
Make heat mapping an even more powerful tool to better understand how to grab consumer attention. On the same screen, couple it with open ended verbal response to reveal the cognitive context that is otherwise absent.
understand TURF choices with open ended qual
With Qbit your brand can not only use TURF to measure the appeal and reach (i.e. willingness to buy) of a specific combination of products, features, or messages, but with 1 mic tap, respondents can also give context